DeeR Digest

Sometimes English Is Hard

The next time you find yourself struggling with a language as simple as English, be very happy that you are at least making an effort. To some of us the language comes so naturally and we speak and write it so flawlessly we assume that everyone comes from the same background that we have. The fact that English is one of the most widespread international languages does not necessarily mean that it is one of the easiest either. There really is so much that you can come to learn about the language which can surprise you, especially when you go beyond the confines of your borders. Let’s have a look at a few Asian situations and perhaps we can appreciate others’ struggles. Here are some incredible Ira Riklis Comedy moments.

1. You mean fire extinguisher? 

Okay, this one is one of a kind. Hand grenade; it’s right there in your face. It’s one of those glaring errors that stare at you like they are actually looking right back at you and thinking, “Yeah, So What?”

I am not an expert at foreign languages but perhaps I would love to assume that the guy really meant fire extinguisher, and that is what is written in the native language; but the guy who did the interpretation, well hats off mate! You are on another level

2. Thanks for the ‘No Death’ sign.

So many things run across my mind when I see this notice. The fact that it is emblazoned in red; is that supposed to scare me into not dying at that point? Besides, does this mean that these guys actually have designated spots where people can go on and die? Okay, now that’s just creepy

3. In case I get stolen I know who to call.

So if I get stolen I can call the police? Well, I can imagine what the call would sound like:

Me: Hello Police?

Police: Hello police, how we help you?

Me: I have just been stolen

Police: You stay there we come return you to owner

I thought if you are actually stolen, you are probably being kidnapped, unless of course the kidnappers in this country are brilliant enough to allow you a phone call to the cops, how awesome is that?

4. Manicure set for a dragon maybe?! 

Let’s assume that theoretically this was perhaps a manicure set for a dragon, I would love to presume that it would be one unhappy dragon, and the results wouldn’t be anything we would wish to imagine.

5. One must know where to pee. 

Okay, this is a sign that perhaps would be handy in a washroom, anything else other than that would just be absurd. So especially for guys, for all of those who like to aim from far, be warned that if you fail to hit the jackpot, perhaps they could prosecute you.

6. Of course I’m not going to do that on a toilet, right?

I really have tried to understand what this guy meant, but honestly if I try any harder, the joke might be on me.

Come on to Ira Riklis comedy and let’s enjoy some lighter moments.

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