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Everything You Should Know about Mommy Makeovers


Having a child is one of life’s greatest accomplishments. People spend their whole lives thinking about and planning for giving birth and raising a child. However, for women, there is more that needs to be thought about and planned for as far as giving birth goes. Being pregnant does quite a bit to the body and—in many ways—changes the body forever. Some people are content with how their body looks after pregnancy, but many women are not. The ones that are not content with their physical appearance may opt to undergo various procedures in order to regain a body similar to the one they had prior to becoming pregnant and giving birth. This trend is commonly known as a “mommy makeover.”

The Focus Areas

While no two mommy makeovers are alike, there are some procedures that are much more common than others, as far as the trend is concerned. The most common procedures involve improving the appearance of the stomach, breasts, thighs, arms, face, chin, and anywhere else where stubborn pockets of fat may decide to reside. In most cases, the mommy in question simply wants their body to resemble their pre-pregnancy one, so they forego more drastic procedures.

Common procedures that are done are the following:

Breast Augmentation: Childbirth and breastfeeding may change the shape and size of the breasts, so breasts may need to be reshaped or resized accordingly.

Liposuction or a Tummy Tuck: Depending on the severity of the fat and stretch mark issues, any number of stomach related procedures can be used. Either way, the goal remains the same: to get rid of the pockets of fat tissue or excess skin and flatten out the stomach.

Contouring Procedures: In most cases, a person getting a mommy makeover will want their thighs, hips or buttocks worked on. This is because these are the most common areas affected when pregnant. Liposuction and other procedures can reshape the thighs, legs, hips and buttocks in order to give them an appearance more in line with what they looked like before pregnancy and childbirth. Other options include a thigh lift or buttock lift.

Things to Consider

While anyone can get a mommy makeover, there are a few things that can make a person a better candidate than others. It is recommended that a mommy makeover be done at least six months after giving birth, as this allows the body enough time to get reacquainted with life post-pregnancy. It is also recommended that the person getting the mommy makeover to be sure that they do not want more children, as this would reverse the results of the makeover and cause other problems in the process.

Recovery Time

Recovery time for a mommy makeover depends on the individual. As no two mommy makeovers are alike, the recovery time really depends on what procedures are being done. A typical mommy makeover may consist of a breast augmentation, thigh liposuction and a tummy tuck, for example. The average recovery time is two to three weeks.

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