DeeR Digest

How to Develop a Superior Memory

How to Develop a Superior MemoryFor all its power and abilities, few know how to use that gray matter that can spell the difference between success and failure, a life well lived or a dismal failure.

The most sophisticated computer that matches the power of the human mind has yet to be invented. Yet for all it amazing capability, few actually use it to its full potential. Napoleon Hill in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

The resource of the mind is limitless. And one of those resources that are underused is memory. The ability to remember is an important skill to cultivate, yet many would rather resort to excuses than develop a good memory. While age does play a factor in remembering things, there are many centenarians who mange to retain their memory skills.

A “bad” memory is simply not a good excuse if mental faculties are undamaged by Alzheimer’s, Dementia or stroke. For most people a bad memory can be improved. As in anything in life, memory gets better the more is used. And to develop a superior memory, learning a few techniques will help sharpen the mind and keep it sharp into old age.

Inability to Concentrate

An untrained mind thinks in random patterns. Thoughts flood the mind constantly and disrupt the concentration the mind needs to focus on what must be learned. The mind goes astray and what is learned is retained in bits and pieces. Concentration requires full devotion to what needs to be learned. Before the memory can play a part, the ability to concentrate needs to be improved. Distractions need to be eliminated before anything can be remembered.

Accurate Information Storage

As with computers, what is fed into the mind will produce results that can be accurate or faulty. Misinformation or half truths learned in school and throughout life are hard to dispel and many people live a life based on inaccurate beliefs that lead them to financial and social ruin.

When the truth is introduced, the mind becomes confused and those confused thoughts together with the misinformation learned leads many to believe they lack a good memory.

Lack of Organization and Memory

A cluttered desk is often the sign of a cluttered mind. And a cluttered mind is filled with trivialities. The ability to remember means focusing on what’s really important and forgetting about those things that provide no value to learning skills.

Ask a sports fan and he will rattle off facts and figures about his favorite team although remembering such statistics has no impact on his life unless he is in a career that demands he remember such details. Developing memory skills demands focusing on what needs to be learned and eliminating distractions.

Unhealthy Diet and Memory Abilities

The mind requires the right nutrients if it is to stay sharp. But today’s modern diet of processed and refined foods with the lack of fiber is sure to dull any mental skills. Fast food and sugar loaded colas will only produce fatigue, headaches and other mental related disorders that make remembering anything next to impossible. A superior memory can’t be developed without a healthy diet.

Memory and Poor Habits

Smoking contains a plethora of chemical substances that dull the senses and don’t help retention skills. Along with smoking comes the lack of adequate sleep and most people simply don’t get enough.

Added to smoking and lack of sleep comes living a high stressed lifestyle. No one can remember anything in a state of constant hurry or under the spell of a migraine.

A lack of exercise is yet another factor leading to poor comprehension. Exercise helps improve circulation. Some food habit and herbs based brand supplement like PeakNootropics is also boost the mental performance and balance the memory  .The brain, like any other part of the body, needs oxygen or the brain cells simply die. Living in a polluted environment and some drugs can also adversely affect the ability to reason and remember. In a nutshell, a lifetime of bad habits needs to be reversed before a superior memory can be developed.


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