DeeR Digest

Beginner’s Guide To Buying A Bong

Looking to buy your first bong? You should know a few things about your upcoming acquisition. Knowledge is power when making a new purchase and could be the very thing that will save your investment. Following is a handy buying guide that will provide those new to the cannabis scene smokers make the best decisions for their enjoyment.

Beginner's Guide To Buying A Bong

1. Environment

Awesomeness is hardly a good reason to buy anything. The Ferrari 812 “superfast” is an awesome car, but well beyond the capacity of most first-time drivers. This kind of thinking should be applied to your selection of bong.

It would be a poor decision to look for a bong without considering the what, where, when and how and why of your personal smoking style. Oh right, you haven’t yet developed one. That’s ok! You don’t need to establish all this from the beginning.

Start small, because size durability and the capacity to enjoy your smoking covertly are all options you will need to consider as your smoking continues. Furthermore, a ten-foot behemoth is costly and as “green” weed smoker there is little chance you will use the chamber effectively.

Best to begin with a small portable hand pipe, a small to medium sized bong and some rolling papers, this is the best starter kit possible and shouldn’t cost over $50.00

2. Care

How are you at taking care of very fragile equipment. If you could use some practice, the most expensive tower of glass or pyrex will not the best idea for you. Do you understand that these devices don’t always look that good, not without regular deep cleaning anyway? Your skill and caution should be an important consideration when selecting the best pipe or bong for your needs. The same holds true when purchasing a gift. Never buy something delicate for someone who tends to be rough and tough.

3. Knowledge

We have well over a thousand different varieties of bong, water pipes and dab rigs, something you should look into after you have had some experience with your smoking. Take some time to browse a store and if you can get some input from an experienced hand. There are many pieces and terms you will need to know. A honeycomb bong, for example, offers some advantages to smoking, you can purchase the honeycomb bong here.

4. Experience

How would you like your delivery system? Would you like cool smooth smoke or can you handle the harsh billowing fumes of a steam roller? Have you heard about all the advantages of smoking concentrates? Then what are you waiting for, take some time to round out your cannabis experience with friends and fellow potheads. Talk about pieces styles and experiences this is the best start to many wonderful adventures with “relax-ijuana”.

5. Material

Materials will be the final and possibly the most important consideration. While glass is classic, attractive and available in so many styles and designs it can boggle the mind. But glass is not the only option — and did you know it shatters on impact?

Plastics don’t break as easily and ceramics also have plenty of beautiful designs and styles. If you are planning to be moving about, buy something that won’t be destroyed in a fall. Having a couple devices is a popular habit. Keep a glass beauty in your home for those special sessions and another in hand that can be quickly used for some high-flying on-the-fly.

In conclusion — your very first bong will set the course for your upcoming personal relaxation activities. In addition to cautiously choosing your smoking devices, choosing to evolve your practice as you go along is another great idea. Consider expanding your smoking habits to include dab rigs and other innovative smoking practices.

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