DeeR Digest

How Medical Marijuana Can Treat Migraines

It might come as a surprise to some people that mail order Medicinal marijuana was an accepted treatment for different disorders including chronic pain in the 1800’s. After that time and until very recently marijuana carried a stigma and was closely regulated. Times have certainly changed however with legislation to legalize the drug proposed in Canada to name just one country. With it’s use for some disorders and chronic pain you might be curious about it’s effectiveness for migraines.

The controversy surrounding medical marijuana and strict regulations up until now mean the answer is rather inconclusive but there is some evidence about it’s effectiveness. In a recent study published in Pharmacotherapy found it had the ability to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches for those who took part in the study. 103 of the 120 participants reported a reduction in the frequency of their migraine headaches with inhaling the preferred method due to the quicker onset of relief over ingestibles for example.

So what are the best strains to treat migraine headaches, most people are not aware that strains can be tailored to a patient’s personal preferences. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and most sufferers find strains heavy on CBD and low on THC more to their liking although strains heavy on CBD are more likely to interfere with the daily routines of patients. Cannatonic is a strain that leaves the patient feeling relaxed and very uplifted while having little to no psychoactive effect with it’s low THC content ( 6% ) It’s known for it’s  effectiveness to remedy pain, insomnia and for the subject of this article, migraine headaches.

Some patients might want to have a little psychoactive high however and will find Sour Tsunami more to their liking. For those who would like a decent high with their medical marijuana might want to consider OG Kush, it’s psychoactive high is effective for depression, anxiety and nausea and the resulting euphoria and relaxing high.

If you are searching for relief from migraine headaches we hope the above information was helpful. You’ve started to research on other options, you’ll consult with a doctor before starting a new treatment plan. At Farmacy we’re here to answer any questions, contact us now and see what medicinal marijuana can do for you.

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