DeeR Digest

4 Tips For Moving To A Smaller Property

Downsizing your home and property can sometimes feel like a game of Tetris, trying to fit everything you own into a smaller space without it appearing cluttered, or not having enough space to just walk around. You’re likely going to be saving a lot of money on your mortgage or rent, so it can be worth the move. Living in a space smaller than you’re used to can take some adjustment, so to help with this, here are four tips you can use when you’re moving to a smaller property.

Start by Decluttering

The hoarder within all of us hates this step most of all, but it’s time to do some good, honest throwing out of some things that you’ve collected. All the kitchen gadgets you’ve used once or things you’ve collected in the garage that might be useful one day all need to go. Be ruthless about what you pack to take to your new home and what finds its way to the donation or discard piles.

Keep the Furniture That Works

Let’s face it, we all own a piece of furniture or two that we have just to occupy the space it’s in and we could quite happily do without. We also have a few pieces of furniture that we use all the time and are integral for storage or organization. Now is the time to walk through the house and identify which pieces fall into each category, as well as which pieces will actually physically fit into your new space. You don’t have to throw anything away, but some things might need to go into storage.

Rent a Storage Unit

Storage units are inexpensive and can be invaluable if we find ourselves moving to a smaller property. For all the things you want to keep but won’t have place for, or even for things you’ll only use occasionally, self-storage is perfect. They come in all different sizes and the costs can vary wildly. The Storage Locker wrote about what to know about self-storage facility rates and it’s worth a read.

Look for Clever Ways to Use Small Spaces

There are some very clever and unique ways to increase the space in smaller homes by creating efficient storage areas or using multipurpose furniture to better use the space it occupies. The underside of stairs makes a great place for bookshelves and the shelving in a bedroom or kitchen can lift things up out of the way. Understanding how to better use space when you live in a smaller property is essential to get the most use of your limited space.

Your new space needs to be functional and that’s going to mean limiting what you actually take into it to only the essentials and things you actually use. That pasta maker from your wedding gifts is probably going to need to go and yourking-sized bed might have to give way to something smaller that’s going to be more practical with regards to the space use.

A smaller home can be financially beneficial and there’s less to maintain, but it does come with some sacrifices.

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