DeeR Digest

Want to Start Selling CBD Derived Products? Here Are 4 Things You’ll Need to Know First

CBD is big business and has officially entered the mainstream. People are starting to get familiarized with it and some of the stigma around it is disappearing. We’re now seeing all sorts of products hitting the market, from CBD infused wine all the way up to beauty products and shampoos.

There is definitely a big demand for CBD products and an opportunity to get into the industry. However, this is not the simplest industry to enter. Since CBD is a heavily regulated product, you’ll need to do your research first. You also will need to know a few things about the product itself before selling it. Here are a few things you should know before you start selling CBD derived products.

Know What’s in Your Source Product

This is, in our opinion, the single most important part about buying CBD to make products. You have to make sure that you know from which plant material your CBD crude, isolate, or distillate comes from. This is because you want to know if it came from industrial hemp and where this hemp came from.

Only CBD that was derived from industrial hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC is legal in the United States under the new Farm Bill. You also want to know the source of the hemp as some countries may have questionable products. The US, France, Canada, and Chile are all great sources for hemp, but you ideally want to stay with a supplier that either has its own grow op or gets its supply from a US grower.

Know the Law

You should also know that the Farm Bill doesn’t make any product that contains lawfully sourced CBD legal. There are tons of regulations surrounding the sale and marketing of CBD and you’ll have to be aware of these before you start selling. For instance, the FDA made it illegal to introduce any food to which CBD has been added into interstate commerce. This means that you may have to reimagine your whole business model if you were thinking of selling something like edibles online.

The Extraction Process

Another thing you’ll have to learn is the CBD manufacturing process. Hemp Labs of America explains the CBD manufacturing process in detail. You must know the exact steps CBD goes through from plant to final product. You should also learn the different extraction methods as some will produce better results than others.

Don’t Buy Before You See Paperwork

Another thing you have to do is make sure that you see a lab analysis before you buy from any supplier. Most will gladly make it available either on their website or upon request. Not getting one will not only put your users at risk but put yourself at risk as well if you put an illegal product on the street.


These are just some of the things you’ll need to know before you enter the CBD business. The most important is understanding the regulation, then knowing how to source your product properly.

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