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Top 5 Tips For Packing

It is entirely possible to have a well organized, even fun, move if you think about things carefully and don’t panic. The key is the packing; everything else will fall into place if you have the packing element under control. In that spirit, here are some excellent tips for packing when you’re moving home so that you can make the process as smooth and simple as possible.Top 5 Tips For Packing

Start early

When you know you’re going to move, you should start packing right away. We don’t mean once your house is sold or you put in your notice to your landlord; we mean well before this. As soon as the idea to move comes into your mind, start packing away the items that you don’t need and don’t use regularly. The earlier you begin packing, the easier the entire move will be.

Allocate one room as your storage area, and put all your packed boxes in there. This should be a room you don’t use much. If you don’t have a spare room, hiring a storage locker through is an excellent alternative.

Get the right boxes

You might think that a box is just a standard box – that it won’t matter too much what type you get for your packing requirements, but the truth is there are a number of different types of boxes, and you need to pick the right ones. Some are less sturdy and are good for lighter items (such as fragile ornaments), and some are much more robust and are best for heavier items (such as books).


One of the most important elements to consider when packing to move is the labeling of the boxes. Whether you’re packing by items (that is, all the DVDs together, all the toys together, and so on), or you’re packing by room, you need to label each box carefully.

The name of the room where you want the removal company to put the box once you reach your new home should be easy to read, but you will also want to make a separate list that details exactly what is in each box. When it comes to unpacking, your job will be easier if you know what you expect; you can then choose exactly what box to tackle first.


No matter how precise you might be regarding what goes in which box, there should be one box for essentials. This will be the first box you need to open, and it could be a confusion of different items, but these are the things you are going to need first. They could include:

Really, anything you know you are going to need on your first night (if you choose to leave the start of the unpacking for the morning) or the first few hours in your new home as you start to get things how you want them.

Don’t rush

You might get a feeling of urgency once you arrive in your new home, and that could translate to needing to rip open your packing boxes and start putting your possessions in their new places.

The best thing you can do is to take a moment to stop and breathe. Moving is stressful, and once you (and your family) have been left alone in your new home for the first time it’s a good idea to catch your breath and relax for a little while before you dive in. You’ll feel much better for it.

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