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Pets That Are Most Commonly Seen In Households

Pets That Are Most Commonly Seen In Households

When you want to add a pet to your family, it pays to know about the most common house pets. It will help you make a more informed decision, one that you will happily enjoy for a significant part of your life.

There is no feeling in the world that comes close to the feeling of being a pet parent. But you must know, along with the love, affection, and unmatched companionship, parenting a pet also comes with countless challenges.

What are the top 5 most common pets? What benefits will you get out of owning a pet? Are small house pets worth keeping? Keep reading to get the answers to all your questions.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that dogs and cats are the most popular household pets found across America. Close behind are turtles, birds, and rabbits that are also fairly popular.


Over 65 million households in the United States of America own at least one dog as their pet. Man’s best friends, dogs are one of the friendliest animals to have in a house and are much easier to coach and raise.

Just like any other pet, dogs require yearly food expenses, vaccinations, visits to the vet, and other miscellaneous expenditures that you must take into account.

To make sure that your dog is well-trained and well-behaved during the later years of their life, you also need to establish a routine for them, teach them proper commands, train them through positive reinforcement, and socialize them right from their initial stages as a puppy. Interestingly, dogs are as incredible as farm dogs as they are house pets.


What are the most popular family pets after a dog? Unquestionably, cats!

Cats are so common as house pets that they come a close second in the list of commonly owned household pets, with around 23% of the global population housing a cat.

Equal amounts mischievous and fun, cats are generally more loyal, curious, independent, and playful in comparison to any other pet. If you have a kid at home, you’ll also be pleased to know that cats can help kids become less allergic to dust and other mites. Cats are also natural predators, so your house will be kept mice-free.

Cats are known to positively impact people they love, and they love being attended to. They want you to make them the center of your world, and in return, they make sure to fill your life with love.

Cats are quiet creatures. So if you live in an apartment or a place where you do not have the most animal-loving neighbors, a cat could be the ideal choice.

ALSO READ: Creating a Dog-Friendly Garden: 6 Amazing Tips to Help


Now that we’ve covered the two most popular house pets, what is a common house pet after a dog and a cat? Did you know, according to the American Pet Products Association’s 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey, around 20 million birds are owned by 5.7 million households across the United States of America?

Birds are the third most beloved creatures to have as house pets.

Incredibly intelligent, birds can be easily trained. They love performing tricks and enjoy entertaining and interacting with people. They are socially well-adept, so you will often find them twittering around your guests.

If you are living in a household where you want to teach your kids how to become more responsible and affectionate towards pets, birds should be one of your first picks.

If properly taken care of, birds can live for more than 50 years. Unlike dogs and cats, birds also do not have to be walked. So if you are someone who does not have the time to take your pets out for walks, getting a bird should be perfect for you.

Let’s take a look at the top 3 birds popular as house pets.


Parakeets, also referred to as the budgie, are the smallest parrot species that are commonly kept as pets. They are playful, affectionate, talkative, and super easy to care for.

Love Birds

These beautiful little birds are known for their social disposition. They like to chirp and never seem to run out of energy. Love birds thrive on interaction, so it is always better to keep a pair instead of keeping a single one.


Stunning to look at and joyful to have in the house, finches love to make fun noises that are soothing to the ears. If you are thinking of keeping your birds caged, finches would be better than many other kinds.


When you think about the most popular family pets, rabbits definitely have to make the list. Unfortunately, they are also the third-most abandoned animals in the US.

Rabbits are adorable. This might explain why so many Instagram and Pinterest feeds are full of them. If you manage to create a bond with them, they will make sure to be through your thick and thin. Rabbits are very affectionate, intelligent, and a lot of fun to be around.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs make for extraordinary pets. They are cheerful, active, and love to do funny, silly tricks to keep you amused. They love to hide in cardboard boxes, and most often than not, will eat the box too. They also live longer and promise a more extended period of companionship.

However, they have very complex personalities. They are not easygoing extroverts and require much more patience and time in caring for them. They need to be raised in monitored and well-ventilated conditions all the time.


Also known as “starter pets,” hamsters make excellent pets, especially for kids. If you are looking for a cute, cuddly pet that does not require much attention, can groom itself on its own, and is safe and easy to hold, a hamster should be your go-to option.

Benefits of Having a Pet

Pets are like infants that never grow up. Forever children. We love them for that.

A pet can impact your life in more ways than you can imagine. If you are ready to take on the responsibility, you will unravel a pool of surprises and beautiful memories to create throughout your lives.

Besides the fact that you will be fostering a beautiful relationship brimming with love and affection, owning a pet is associated with so many more benefits. Here are a few of them:

Reduce The Feeling Of Loneliness

Any feeling of loneliness that you may suffer from is mitigated when you have a pet around you. Loneliness is a leading cause of stress that can further lead to more chronic diseases like diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Your pet can provide you support and companionships like no one else can, which reduces the risk of loneliness and depression.

Get Physically Fitter

According to a study on the bond between humans and animals, older people who took their dogs outside for walks were healthier and physically fitter than those who did not own a pet. When you own a pet like a dog or a cat, you have to take them out for walks and to let them release themselves every day. This also helps meet your walking and exercise requirements and helps you successfully hit your fitness goals.

Unconditional Love And Support

When you think of unconditional love, nothing can even come close to the love of a pet. Be it grabbing your newspaper for you in the morning, guarding you against unwanted people, cuddling with you when you feel alone, or helping you motor through your recovery, a pet will always be by your side.

Great For Your Heart

They will fill you with love while keeping you heart-healthy. You are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases as a pet will keep your cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood pressure levels under check.

Release of Happy Hormones

When you play with your pets and indulge in quality time with them, it increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin released from your brain. This makes you feel happier, more energetic, and lifts your spirits up.

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If you have always been searching for household pets besides cats and dogs that your family can adopt, we hope this article helps you find your pick.

The feeling of coming back to a home where your pet is eagerly waiting for you is unmatched. If you are ready to experience the joys of being a pet parent, there is no better time than now!

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