When you are in college, money can be incredibly tight. Most of your capital is going to tuition, books, living expenses and more. However, just because you are tight on cash, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t focus on building your credit. Indeed, good credit will not only help you stay liquid in college – […]
Search Results for: major credit
Best Credit Cards That Help You Save Money
Investment Rewards Cards Although investment reward credit cards are not very well known, they should be. Investment cards offer great rewards for those who want to use their credit card purchases as a means to not only increase their retirement fund, but also their investment portfolios. This card is essentially the same as other rewards […]
7 Smart Ways To Spend Your Inheritance
When a person passes away and leaves an inheritance for their relatives, it is rarely their intention for the recipient to spend it all in a matter of weeks or months. It can be tempting to spend it all on fun shopping sprees, but it is more likely that the money was left to you […]
Top Issues That Could Result In Your Small Business Loan Being Denied
Applying for a small business loan can be a very tricky affair as financial institutions are known to be extremely picky and like to make certain that their investments are well protected. Applications for loans, however small, could get into rough weather unless you know what exactly to avoid that will kill the chances of […]
Be Smart When Taking Out Guarantor Loans
When it comes to finance, it is important to realise that not all of the options available to people are the same. This means that taking the time to look at your various options and determining which one is bets for your needs makes sense and will help you to be better off in the […]
Investment Basics
If you are planning to invest in your very first company, you might be thrilled because it is a new challenge. For some, it is a learning experience that will help them grow and make it large in the business world. However, there are speed breakers that can slow you down and the possibility of […]
How Cash Advance Help Financially-Challenged Employees
We are all experiencing some financial challenges in some points of our lives. However, not all of us are lucky enough to find solutions for such situations. From having unpaid electricity bills, tuition fees and other monetary obligations, it’s indeed a serious obligation for one to accomplish as soon as possible and without exceeding to […]
How To Buy Miles The Easy Way
Buying Frequent flier miles for traveling doesn’t make sense to some. Purchasing miles in bulk for buying an airline ticket often results in paying more amount of money than the actual price of the ticket. Occasionally, purchasing miles can save a lot of money on traveling. If a frequent flyer is just a few miles […]
Top 4 Things to Consider While Applying for a Home Loan
Nothing compares to the thrill of getting a new house, selecting its furnishings and decorating it as per your preference. But before you can reach this exciting phase, there are many hurdles to cross such as acquiring a home loan. Like any other investment, purchasing a house requires you to be aware of the consequences […]
How to Negotiate Better Shipping Rates for Your Business
No matter what kind of business you have, if there’s one thing that’s a top priority, it’s making sure that you do all that you can to keep your monthly expenses down. This includes everything from being energy efficient in the office to maintaining a good relationship with your vendors and suppliers, to even making […]