Applying for a small business loan can be a very tricky affair as financial institutions are known to be extremely picky and like to make certain that their investments are well protected. Applications for loans, however small, could get into rough weather unless you know what exactly to avoid that will kill the chances of […]
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6 Factors to Consider When Redesigning Your Website
In this competitive online world, websites need to undergo the redesigning process once in four-five years.Giving a facelift to your website requires lot of planning as you have to decide what to keep and what to discard. Are you too planning to get your website redesigned because of few glitches, you are facing in terms […]
Replica of Sixth-Century Sword Created With a 3D Printer
If someone had told you even a decade ago that you would soon be able to create objects seemingly out of thin air with a printer, you might have laughed. Although the idea of replicator technology has long since been established through science fiction, most famously on the ‘Star Trek’ franchise, most people probably filed […]