You might be stuck working 10-hour days, or perhaps your manager scrapped your real lunch break, and replaced it with a lunch pause? Or are you up all hours with a newborn? Life these days is crazy and when you’re stressed and pressed for time, your weight-loss plan is one of the first things you […]
Search Results for: regular sugar
Keeping Fit And Healthy In The Office
We spend most of our lives at work, some of us sit in an office all day, while others work in shops that are constantly busy. Keeping healthy while at work is still as important as being healthy at home and where work can take up most our time and can prevent us from going […]
The Multipurpose Plant – Kratom
Mitragyna Speciosa or Kratom as it is more popularly known as is a tree that is native to South-East Asia. Kratom has been used since times immemorial by the people of Thailand, Malaysia and Myanmar. Kratom leaves are popular particularly among the elderly male in Thailand and Malaysia. The edible leaves work pretty much like […]