Every successful company understands the importance of marketing in order to retain existing customers and generate new business. While many traditional marketing techniques remain relevant, it is fair to say that social media has become the main resource for many firms. Knowing which platform to use is not an easy decision and often requires a […]
Search Results for: target platform
6 Proven Methods For Growing Your Brand (2021)
Brands are everywhere in today’s consumer-driven environment. No matter where you go, you’re going to encounter some form of brand marketing – either from a global name (like Coca-Cola) or a smaller, less popular name. However, because of the new marketing methods that have emerged during the 21st century, primarily social media marketing, smaller brand […]
Ways to Build a Stronger Brand Image for your Company
You could have a good business with very exciting products or services but if your brand image is weak, you may not achieve your business goals. One of the pertinent questions you need to ask yourself is; is my business website uniquely designed so that it can attract visitors? How are the employees behaving, do […]
7 Ways to Market your Business on a Limited Budget
The most critical aspect in setting up a business is the ability to formulate a sound and viable plan, which goes a long way in ensuring that your company not only sees the light of day but also cements its ground in the face of uncertainties. However, lack of informed marketing strategies in the business […]
5 Unheard Ways Technology is Transforming Human Lives
Whether it’s how we greet each other, find the perfect partner to date, celebrate someone’s birthday or even the way we parent. With everything accessible at our fingertips, the development of technology has changed human lives in every possible way. Postcards and love letters have been replaced by birthday memes and Tinder, television time is […]
How To Use Twitter To Grow Your Business
What is Twitter? How does it work and how can it help you grow your business? Twitter is a social media platform that allows you to express yourself within a 140 character limit. It’s a great way for a business to show their customers a brand personality. It also allows you to link to any […]
Ten Tips That Would Make Your Indian Train Travel Easier
Travelling in the trains of India is a special experience. This article talks in detail about ten tips that you need to remember if you are planning to take up train experience in India. This article is not focused on luxury trains or special tourism trains established by the country. We are focusing on metro […]
How to Start an Ecommerce Business With Less Money
The ecommerce industry is fast becoming one of the most important and the fastest growing industries of the world will thousands of websites being launched on a daily basis. India alone has an internet user base of more than 350 million users and potentially has a huge potential in terms of internet based product sales. […]
Simple ways modern technology has evolved online education
With the introduction of technology and improved awareness, there are various modern ways of teaching and education that have started to rise up. One of them is the online education; the concept of online education has been in the pipeline, creating waves within the education sector for a long time. With the growth in technology […]
4 Key Tips to Use Instagram for SEO
More than 50 million photographs are being shared on Instagram every day. Millions of professional photographers have found this social media platform a unique and efficient way to demonstrate their idea or concept. People associated with business have been using Instagram to promote brand awareness and through this way, they can generate huge web traffic […]